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Вот, например, отзыв от Сары из Ирана.
“I fell in love with the English language and culture when I was young. I then studied English translation at university and did a master's in education. I started off teaching children and then went on to teaching other ages. It is amazing to share what you love with other people.” Sara, Iran.
И ещё один отзыв.
"I had always loved the English language! So, I studied it by myself since I was very young! At 22 years old I took a course to improve my pronunciation, and then I got the opportunity to teach English at the Maritime University of the Caribbean, which has been one of the best experiences of my life because when you teach someone, you also learn, and I have learned so much more with this job! I love the feedback with people, and it is really amazing to share everything I have learned so far!" Gaby Carolina
Why do you love teaching English? Tell us your story in the comments!
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